Thursday, February 25, 2010

And She's off

I am happy to report that Jayla is officially walking! She has been one balanced baby for at least a month or two. It was not until Tuesday afternoon that SHE decided to walk. We have been trying and trying to get her to take step with everything from M&Ms to her favorite baby. She would to it for about 5 steps just to get the applause...(I think she's in to words of affirmation) but that was it-until Tuesday. Tuesday, after her nap, she was the only one up. I was preparing dinner and she was playing with her babies in the hall. Something came over her that caused her to stand up and walk down the hall. I thought for a moment that I was just seeing things. She sat down and I was sure she would be off and crawling. NOPE, she got back up and just started walking again. For the most part she has been walking since. Oh I do look forward to the day when she is strong enough to do this all the time, but oh how my baby is growing up!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Joshua Car trips

I have told my sister that I am going to blog Joshua's crazy little conversations. Today we were riding in the car(this is where most Joshua-ism happen)when Joshua informs me that he wants to see Eli. I told him that we would not be seeing Eli today of which caused a mini melt-down. This was then followed by "I won't see my Cari." Apparently, Cari was the real reason Joshua wants to see Eli. I informed him that we would be eating lunch with Emma Grace. This apparently brought back memories of eating Chinese food with Emma Grace (which happened in January and we have eaten with her many times since then)and he decided that that he wanted rice in a bowl...that bowl. There is no bowl in sight..remember we are in the car. I being the super mom that I am figured out that he was referring to our Chinese food trip (the only one he has had) and asked if he wanted Chinese food. He said "Yes, and Daddy is going to Chinese."

Yesterday as we were going into Walmart, Joshua discovers the numbers on the side of the building. To which he informed me "Walmart's address is 4800 Walmart, Texas." I thought I am sure Walmart thinks so too.

Sunday, while coming home from dinner(in the car),Joshua was going on and on about how we needed to play Wii golf and bowling and that we needed to do all this on Saturday. In Joshua's world everyday is Saturday. I turned to the exited Joshua and told him that those were great ideas but today was Sunday to which he responded "Sunday! You got to be kidding me!"

Saturday, Greg asked Joshua what he wanted for lunch. Joshua replied with his usually "Peanut butter samich" Greg then proceeded to ask him if that was just his which Joshua replied, "It's not a default, Daddy, it's a peanut butter samich."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Yesterday I proud to announce that I accomplished a lot yesterday and my house is still a mess. I have already said that laundry is the most annoying thing around and that it is just another way God is punishing us for Eve's mistakes. If she had just listened and not eaten that darn fruit I would not be doing laundry every week! However, I have now found a more annoying chore than laundry...FLOORS! We have ALL laminate flooring except for the closets (they are carpet...not sure why that is just how we bought the house). Tracking in dirt everyday are the dog, my husband, me and two boys(Jayla gets a pass due to the fact that she refuses to walk). At least with carpet I could hide some of the mess...not with laminate. It's there for the world to see. It is hard enough to keep these floors clean without rain or snow. Add rain or snow into the mix and I might as well not touch my floors until spring...I think I just figured out why spring cleaning came about. Therefore, I have decided to retire from floors until spring. I am just sad I did not think of this sooner since spring is about a month away! I think mother bears are the ones that came up with hibernation just so they would not have to clean all winter!