Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fu da bee!

So our little princess is now talking up a storm. A lot of it we can not understand but she just goes on and on.. epically at the dinner table. Recently she has been throwing out this new word that I thought I had figured out but now I think I am wrong. The other day I was getting Jayla ready for bed when she pointed to her ceiling and said, "Fudabee, Mommy." I looked up and it seemed like she was pointing at the butterfly hanging there. This made since to me and I proceeded to tell Greg that I figured out what fudabee meant. The very next day, as usual, she decided to prove me wrong by calling something else a "fudabee." She has even called Greg a "fudabee" one day when she was mad at him. The only conclusion I can come to is that she uses it when she just does not know what or how to say something. So in closing...